Branch Secretary :

End poverty pay at British Airways



Cabin crew working for British Airways ‘Mixed Fleet’ taking strike action over ‘poverty’ pay levels which are leading to crew sleeping in their cars between shifts.   They are taking a stand, Unite has announced that over 800 cabin crew from ‘mixed fleet’ had joined Unite since the start of the dispute over poverty pay, taking the union’s membership to over 2,900.  Suzanne Muna, Unite LE1111 branch secretary and EC member for London and Eastern region has sent solidarity greetings on behalf of the branch.





Since 2010 all British Airways new cabin crew employees join what is called ‘Mixed Fleet’, where despite promises that pay would be 10% above the market rate, basic pay starts at just £12,000 with £3 and an hour flying pay.  Unite has seen no evidence from the company of crew achieving anywhere near the advertised potential rate of £21,000 – £25,000 for the job.




A recent Unite survey lifted the lid on the toll ‘poverty pay’ was having on Mixed Fleet crew at BA.  Nearly half said that they had taken on a second job to make ends meet with some saying they had to sleep in their cars between shifts because they couldn’t afford the petrol to drive home.




Elsewhere over two thirds admitted to going to work unfit to fly because they could not afford to be off sick, while a massive 84% said they had experienced stress and depression due to their financial circumstances.  Viewed as premier airline in the industry, Mixed Fleet cabin crew take great pride in working for British Airways.  Increasingly though they are becoming fed up at being paid bargain basement wages.


With the parent company of British Airways predicting annual earnings of £4.7 billion between this year and 2020, it’s clear that the UK’s national carrier can pay the people who keep us safe while we fly a decent wage.




Members of our branch know how important solidarity and financial support can be when faced with an aggressive employer and we have agreed an initial donation of £150 towards their hardship fund.


Cabin crew put their case on video here




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