Branch Secretary :

Unite win on paternity pay at St Mungos

Unite - Success! St Mungo's agrees to enhanced paternity pay for co-parents


In St Mungo’s workers have had to rely on the statutory minimum paternity leave.


That means relying on just £151.97 a week for a maximum of two weeks – any more would have to be taken as annual leave. Following a Unite campaign, workers will now get full pay for two weeks.


A time when every penny counts


Unite rep Aftaar Malik explained that most staff did not take the time off because they could not afford to, “When my second child was born 4 years ago, I took annual leave instead and that goes for lots of co-parents in Mungo's as at a time when every penny counts, they would have lost out.  In a time when we are pushing for equality Mungo's seemed to have been stuck in a time warp.  It's good that they finally moved on it as it's shameful that they have got away with it for so long” he noted. 


Strong support


Many employers offer paid leave for co-workers. If yours doesn’t, remember the branch will strongly support any campaigns to achieve time off at full pay; let us know and we will help in any way we can.



8 March 2022


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