Branch Secretary :

Unite Wins Recognition at Look Ahead

Unite members at Look Ahead, led by representative Dom Rollin, have won recognition for Unite at Look Ahead's four Hackney projects. This is a significant victory and was conceded by management following the threat of industrial action. As reported previously, the seven-day strike threat also secured a repeal of plans to cut the pay of TUPEd staff. 


Look Ahead has a long-standing but shameful reputation for undercutting other service providers to win contracts, then cutting the wages of  frontline staff and making detrimental changes to terms and conditions in order to generate a surplus. In 2012-13, Look Ahead’s surpluses reached around £12m. The organisation is also one of the wealthier associations with assets of over £1.3bn. Such practices are therefore wholly unnecessary.


The recognition agreement means that management will now have to negotiate with union reps over pay and any future proposed changes affecting members. If you work at Look Ahead and wish to contact lead convenor Dom Rollin, click here, or email


The well organised Unite members at Look Ahead were supported by the LE1111 Housing Workers branch, Organiser Matthew Dore-Weeks, and Regional Officer Peter Storey. Together, we produced an inspiring campaign that put a stop to the ‘race to the bottom’ at one of the sector’s worst offenders.


The Look Ahead members also received significant support from the wider Unite union and many others in waging this campaign. Thanks to all who supported us.


The victory at Look Ahead should inspire others to make a stand. You can join Unite by clicking here. Or, if you would like to find out about building the union's presence in your own workplace, please contact Branch Secretary Suzanne Muna, or Branch Chair Paul Kershaw.



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