Branch Secretary :

Unite on post Brexit construction workforce

Responding to RICS


Commentating on today’s (15 March) Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) survey that warns that the UK construction industry could lose 8% of its workforce due to Brexit, Unite acting general secretary Gail Cartmail, said: “This survey demonstrates once again that the government’s failure to guarantee the rights of existing EU citizens is playing fast and loose with the well-being of the UK economy. The ongoing uncertainty over the rights of EU citizens to remain in the UK post-Brexit is already resulting in workers voting with their feet and leaving the UK.

“This will exacerbate the deepening construction skills crisis, resulting in projects being delayed or cancelled, which will damage the health of the industry.


Lassiez- faire failure

“It is essential that the government wakes up to the threat faced to the UK construction industry by reversing decades of neglect and massively increasing the number of high quality apprenticeships so the UK can increasingly become self-sufficient.

“This will not be achieved unless the government introduces strict public procurement policies forcing companies bidding for all public sector contracts to recruit and train high numbers of apprentices. The lassiez faire model of construction apprentice training has been an unmitigated failure.”  For more on apprentice training see here


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