Branch Secretary :

Bob Crow, Tony Benn - One Week, Two Losses

Tribute to Bob Crow, RMT

At its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, our branch paid tribute to Bob Crow, an inspiring and brave trade union leader who died suddenly the previous day. He was an outstanding leader who was not willing to be held back from fighting in his members' interests. But his impact was so much wider - at the TUC and in many, many campaigns, he fought on behalf of all workers, all industries, all countries. His passing leaves a huge gap and he will be sorely missed.


Tribute to Tony Benn, Socialist

Within the same week, it was tragic to learn of Tony Benn's passing. Benn fought for a socialism in which the means of production of all goods and services would be owned by, and would be used for the benefit of, the whole of society, not a small elite that would forever use it to exploit the working class: a concept that the Labour has long abandoned. He has passed away but his words, his vision, and his ideals will live on.


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  • The use of offensive language, including swear words, or language which is racist, sexist, or otherwise breaches equalities standards.
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